White Fire is a book written by the world-renowned personality, Mooji. Mooji who is the master of Advaita has a huge number of followers. This book consists of 800 lightning sparks of wisdom which can help the reader to guide himself in the right direction. These kind of spiritual teachings are essential in their own way and are capable of eliminating the sufferings of the reader. In this way the reader will be able to explore and find his true self.
“Only when the ego is slain by the white fire of pure seeing will the light be set free-the light that illumines the whole world.” These mesmerizing words are written by Mooji in White Fire.
Nowadays in this modern world peoples are usually busy to fulfill their daily needs. As a result of which they are isolating from their real self and creating uncertainty in their life. This kind of living can become obsessing because our outer self is continuously failing in search of lasting contentment. White fire tells us, It is the time to look inward. White Fire and its spiritual teachings can help us in many different ways if we are on a hunt to find our real self. This book will brighten the way to make the path of life more clear and will end up with bringing happiness in life.
White fire is divided into five sections with the addition of Mooji’s magical ink drawing and color photos. Combination of spirituality and self questioning in order to find our real self is the basis of this book. Direct and immediate approach has been used by Mooji. All of the 800 sparking quotes has their own kind of magic and capable to make a ray of light in the heart of a reader. In this way the reader becomes more confident as well as motivated. Reader’s confusion tends to flew away and doubts are diminished. The outcome of reading this book will be a positive, calm and a real human being who is pure at heart.
Hence White Fire is the Arrow of self realization shot by the bow of Mooji.